Monday, 23 October 2017

Don’t Rush For The Hair Brush - Suggest By Hair Transplant Surgeon Ahmedabad

Extreme hair loss and baldness at a very early age is pretty irritating because it makes you look aged at an very early age and no one wish to look aged so early. Hair loss these days is a major issue in both men and women. When hair loss is affecting you both physically and emotionally you start finding solutions that could help you fight with such issues appropriately. When hair loss is major you may choose to know about various available hair transplantation alternatives from Hair Transplant Surgeon in Ahmedabad


Hair transplantation is a unique and the most advance technique used to acquire better hair results. In past few years hair transplantation and its latest technique have known to create successful history in patient who desire to obtain hairs after they have lost it. Even though hair transplantation is famous as a successful cure for hair loss, baldness and other hair issues but the results may vary from patient to patient as it depends on various factors including the condition of hair loss on the head scalp, the growth cycle of normal hair growth in individual, the chosen technique and the clinic which a patient has opted for hair transplantation. Once everything goes in hand in a well managed way the results are seen in about few weeks or a month.

After the recovery period of the hair transplantation is completed user start to shred the transplanted hair follicles and the normal hair start growing. Everyone knows that the results of hair transplantation are so enhanced that people start getting hairs that resembled the normal one with which they can brush, style, colour or do anything that is done with a normal hair but it takes time sometimes the recovery is slow and normal hair growth is seen after one or two month. It is suggested that patient must take proper care of their transplanted hairs so as to achieve better hair growth.

There are several tips that must be followed while you are in the recovery period of your hair transplantation. Among which some are:

  1. Don’t rush to brush – It is important to remember that the newly grown hair are weak and if combed harshly they may shred thus one must never hurry to comb their hairs after their hair transplantation until they have received a full grown hair density.

  1. Avoid excess styling – Yes of course the transplanted hairs are just like the original hairs which can be styled but excess styling can lead to further weakening of hairs follicles which is useless after hair transplantation surgery.

  1. Drink water and take healthy diet – If you are looking to brush your hairs as early as possible take proper care of your transplanted hairs by the intake of essential nutrients.

When you follow these useful tips it is sure that you achieve better hair growth with comparatively easier recovery phase. If you need more suggestion to this you may get it from experienced Hair Transplant Surgeon in Ahmedabad at Avenues cosmetic clinic.

Thursday, 28 September 2017


Generally, people can be observed talking about hair fall and they take it as a general problem that has some simple home remedies as a treatment. Actually, this is not true. Hair fall is not a serious disease and this is a natural part of hair growth cycle but at the advanced stages, hair loss leads to baldness that is a critical problem. At the Avenues clinic, Hair Transplant Surgeon in Ahmedabad is engaged in searching for exact reasons for hair loss and in this process, they have discovered some factors to cause baldness. Baldness has many types and most prominent type of baldness is pattern hair loss. When we talk about baldness, generally it means by male pattern baldness. Sometimes, seasonal changes are also believed to cause baldness but experts say seasonal changes only cause temporary hair loss.
Let us examine the seasonal effects and other causes of hair loss and male pattern baldness.
Cause of baldness
Baldness depends on the diet of a person and some health conditions are also responsible for hair loss like any chronic disease, scalp infection or disease, stress, sleep disorders, anemia, and other severe health conditions. Hair loss can be genetic also and the gene of baldness can be transferred to the next generation. The hormonal disturbance is said to affect the scalp as well. Seasonal changes are also important to detect the exact reason of baldness. weather affects the hair and sometimes the effects are extremely severe.
Temporary and permanent hair loss
Hair loss is not always permanent and in case of temporary hair loss, the disease can be cured if the patients eliminate the root cause of hair loss. Temporary hair loss occurs due to health problems, unhealthy diet, or seasonal effects and these causes can be prevented easily but genetic or hormonal reasons are not in our control so, in case of a permanent hair loss, we cannot do much to prevent hair loss or baldness.
Seasonal effects and baldness
According to the experts, seasonal effects can damage your hair severely. Cold weather may make your hair dry and brittle and hot weather may make your scalp sweaty and dirty. Wind, sunshine, or humidity can affect your hair, but the effects are temporary and the patient can deal with the effects very easily with the help of home remedies.
Male pattern baldness
Hair experts agree that male pattern baldness is a genetic disease and caused by hormones such as testosterone. The diagnosis of the problem is possible with the help of a certified and licensed doctor. If the main cause of the baldness is hidden in your genes, you are going to be bald in future. However, other factors like weather conditions may trigger the process and it is wise to prevent the baldness by living a healthy life and applying a proper hair care.
Dr. Kinnar Kapadia is a well-known Hair Transplant Surgeon in Ahmedabad. He says that baldness can occur due to genetic problems but environmental and health issues have their own importance and the patients must not ignore these factors.

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Get the Answers to Your Queries About Hair Transplant

Baldness takes place due to certain reasons and generally, severe hair loss is the initial sign of the baldness that is clearly observed by the patients. However, Hair loss can take place because of other reasons and it can be a temporary condition. Hair loss and baldness are critical conditions having a lot of patterns. For being certain about the cause and treatment of hair loss or baldness, you need a piece of advice of an expert. If you are dealing with severe hair loss or baldness, you may visit the Avenues clinic to meet a Hair Transplant Surgeon in Ahmedabad.
Hair loss or baldness does not affect the physical health of a person but it is considered as a disease and should be treated medically. Therefore, you need a surgeon and treatment for dealing with hair loss or baldness.
Naturally, you may have a lot of questions in your mind when you meet a surgeon since baldness is a very odd situation where you have not any physical issues but still, you are dealing with a serious problem. However, you may have your own question but if you visit Avenues clinic, you may ask some of the most commonly asked questions that are asked by the patients coming to the clinic.
Generally, the patients ask the questions about some of the following topics:
Alternative procedures
Sometimes, the patients are curious to know about the effectiveness of hair products or alternativeness treatments. Most of the time, the patients have tried many alternative treatments and then, they decide to come to the Avenues clinic.
Hair transplant surgery
Hair transplant is amazingly effective for hair loss or baldness and the patients have their questions on the following hair transplant related topics:
Permanent or temporary:
According to the experts, hair transplant surgery is totally a permanent solution and this is not like other temporary solutions like wigs, hair colors etc. After the surgery, the patients do not need to meet the surgeon again.
The cost of the treatment:
This is the main concern of every patient as hair transplant surgery is costly for many of the patients. The Avenues clinic is trying to make the cost of the hair transplant affordable for the patients by offering a lot of options.
The patients also ask about any possible risk of the treatment. According to the surgeons, hair transplant is a surgical procedure and like any surgery, it may have some risk factors and side effects such as pain, discomfort, swelling, brushing etc. The experts say that authentic clinics deal with these risks very effectively.
Procedure type:
However, choosing a suitable procedure is not the concern of the patients but sometimes the patients have their own choice. The surgeon chooses the suitable procedure after checking the candidacy of the patients. It means sometimes the patients may have the procedure of their choice and sometimes not.

These questions are general in nature and you must have your own questions to ask. If you have any, you may ask your question to the Hair Transplant Surgeon in Ahmedabad by visiting the Avenues clinic.